Today, Oct. 14, is Indigenous Peoples’ Day. Community organizations and tribal partners have organized a celebration at the Yupiit Piciryarait Cultural Center in Bethel that will include yuraq performances, a Native foods potluck, and more.
Bethel staple Bev Hoffman served as emcee, introducing six storytellers who came to share their own funny, frightening, sad, and sometimes deeply personal stories about life in Bethel, the wider region, and even the lower 48.
Agency officials pledged to fully fund the annual Public Library Assistance Grant, but, "it’s not a done deal," librarians say.
Dozens came to the Yupiit Picaryarait Cultural Center to observe Orthodox tradition and seek healing after the passing of Doreen Black, Gregory Alfred, and Nastasia Nick.
The Kuskokwim Consortium Library in Bethel’s Cultural Center is reopening after a five month renovation. Library goers will enjoy new carpets, furniture,…