Federal fisheries managers have announced five upcoming drift and set net openers on the Kuskokwim River.
The decision to provide additional fishing opportunities came following a meeting of the Kuskokwim River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (KRITFC) and Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge (YDNWR) in Bethel on July 10.
According to refuge manager Spencer Rearden, the gillnet openers are primarily intended to give people a chance to harvest more sockeye.
“The king run is basically largely done. Most of the folks out there are mostly done with trying to dry fish, especially given the weather,” Rearden said. “We're not too concerned about these openers and overharvest of species we're trying to protect; we think people will have an opportunity to get some sockeye as they wish.”
All five opportunities apply from the area downstream of the Kalskag Line to the mouth of the Kuskokwim River at the lower boundary of the federal refuge.
Gillnet (24-hour drift and/or set):
- Friday, July 12 at 12 p.m. to Saturday, July 13 at 12 p.m.
- Friday, July 19 at 12 p.m. to Saturday, July 20 at 12 p.m.
- Friday, July 26 at 12 p.m. to Saturday, July 27 at 12 p.m.
During the three combined set and drift net opportunities, gillnets are restricted to 6-inch or less mesh and may not exceed 45 meshes in depth and 50 fathoms (300 feet) in combined length below the Johnson River, and 25 fathoms (150 feet) in combined length above the Johnson River.
Set net (24-hour):
- Tuesday, July 16 at 12 p.m. to Wednesday, July 17 at 12 p.m.
- Tuesday, July 23 at 12 p.m. to Wednesday, July 24 at 12 p.m.
During the two set net-exclusive opportunities, nets are restricted to 6-inch or less mesh, 75 feet or less in length, and may not exceed 45 meshes in depth. Additionally, set gillnets must be attached to the bank, oriented perpendicular to the river, and may not be operated more than 100 feet from the ordinary high-water mark.
All species of salmon may be retained during all five opportunities.