Public Media for the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta
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Fisheries managers add 2 Kuskokwim River set net opportunities

Elyssa Loughlin

With a half-dozen salmon fishing openers on the Kuskokwim River so far in 2024, fisheries managers have announced two additional upcoming set net opportunities aimed at allowing federally qualified subsistence users to harvest abundant sockeye salmon on the lower river.

The opportunities extend from downstream of the Kalskag Bluffs and Uknavik Slough, a boundary known as the Kalskag Line (see map), to the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge boundary at the mouth of the Kuskokwim River.

Set gillnet (24-hour opener)

  • Monday, July 1 at 12 p.m. to Tuesday, July 2 at 12 p.m.

Set gillnet (48-hour opener)

  • Saturday, July 6 at 12 p.m. to Monday, July 8 at 12 p.m.

Set gillnets are restricted to 6-inch or less mesh and may not exceed 45 meshes in depth and 75 feet in length. All species of salmon may be retained during these opportunities.

In the roughly 50-mile stretch of river between the Kalskag Line and the lower boundary of the Aniak Box, drift gillnet fishing remains open 24/7 until further notice.

For this opportunity, gillnets are restricted to 6-inch or less mesh and may not exceed 45 meshes in depth and 25 fathoms (150 feet) in total combined length.

Evan Erickson is a reporter at KYUK who has previously worked as a copy editor, audio engineer and freelance journalist.
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