Julia Jimmie
Yup'ik and Culture Producer - Radio DepartmentJulia was born in Bethel and grew up in Tuntutuliak. She was born the last of 6 children. She was raised in a Yup’ik household and spoke only Yup’ik until she was about 10 years old.
Julia was married in 1995 and moved to Kwigillingok. Julia has 6 children: 4 boys and 2 girls. Charles, the oldest, also works for KYUK. Cyrus, the second oldest, is living the village life at the moment. Maryanna, her oldest daughter, is attending college full time and working on weekends. Jr. and Iris attend Bethel Regional High School, the local high school and the youngest son Anson is a 5th grader at Ayaprun Elitnaurvik.
Her husband Alvin Jimmie is the Village Police Safety Officer Coordinator for the Association of Village Council President's. He was formerly a VPSO in Tuntutuliak and Kwigillingok.
Julia started working at KYUK as a fill-in translator. She is now our multimedia Yup'ik translator. She likes this new position as it includes learning new skills everyday, which makes it is fun.
Aside from work, Julia likes to be at home with my family, but in the summer time her favorite place to be is at fishcamp. Julia hopes to put the fishcamp to use this summer. GOD SEND MORE FISH please!
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