Rhonda McBride
Julie Kitka became the third Alaska Native leader to be inducted into the National Native American Indian Hall of Fame at a ceremony in Oklahoma City on Oct. 5.
Yup'ik and Inupiaq spelling bees, like the one held in Anchorage on Sat. April 13, in Anchorage, are a relatively new experience for students. But organizers of this year's statewide Native language spelling bee believe they help to boost reading and writing skills. Literacy is a big challenge for Indigenous languages that a few generations ago were never written, only spoken.
The Alaska Native Heritage Center gets funding to expand cultural tourism.
Nellie Moore was one of the trailblazers in Native journalism in Alaska, with a distinctive style of reporting that mixed the best of the ancient Inupiaq storytelling culture with the values of Western journalism.
A changing of the guard is ahead for the Alaska Federation of the Natives, which has been under the leadership of Julie Kitka for almost 35 years.
Yup’ik and Inupiaq students, from the fourth to the eighth grades, competed in a recent Native language spelling bee in downtown Anchorage — an annual event that is more than just about words.
One pressing need for the school is bottled water. Hooper Bay Assistant Principal Taraba says the school has a water filter system, but it can’t keep up with the demand for water.
Six schools in the district opened to provide shelter during the storm.