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3 Moose Bag Limit In Unit 18 Remainder

Moose in the Game Unit 18 Remainder being counted during an aerial survey.

If you’ve harvested two moose from the Game Unit 18 Remainder along the lower Yukon River, you can harvest another. The Federal Subsistence Board has approved a proposal to increase the bag limit from two moose to three. The three-moose limit is in effect from April 1 to April 30.

The Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Federal Subsistence Regional Advisory Council requested the change, saying that the moose are at risk of overpopulation, and subsistence users need more access to meat following the low salmon harvest last summer and a shortened caribou hunting season.

Over 23,669 moose inhabit the Game Unit 18 Remainder, according to 2021 state and federal surveys. The population has been growing for decades, and hunters harvest between 700 to 800 moose per year from the area.

ADF&G moose abundance estimates for the Game Unit 18 Remainder.
Credit ADF&G
ADF&G moose abundance estimates for the Game Unit 18 Remainder.

Alaska Department of Fish and Game Wildlife Biologist Patrick Jones would like to see more moose harvested from the area. At its current rate, the moose population is on track to outgrow its winter food source.

“Moose population continue to grow despite the fact that it has the most liberal season and bag limits for moose in Alaska,” Jones said.

Hunters can register for the Unit 18 Remainder moose hunt by purchasing a 2021 state hunting license online at Alaska Hunting and Trapping Information on the ADF&G website. Or hunters can print off up to three (one per moose) 2020 general season moose harvest tickets from the same web page.

The Kuskokwim hunt area remains closed to moose hunting.

Correction: A previous version of this story said about 200 moose are harvested from the Unit 18 Remainder per year. That is incorrect. Between 700 to 800 moose are harvested annually from the area. 

Anna Rose MacArthur served as KYUK's News Director from 2015-2022.
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