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Marshall Continues Looking For Solutions To Broken Ice Machine

Nick P. Andrew Jr.

Marshall continues looking for solutions to fix its broken ice machine. Ten fishermen testified at the Maserculiq native corporation monthly board meeting on Tuesday, asking the corporation to replace or repair the ice maker's compressor. One of the fishermen was Nick P. Andrew Jr.

“Majority of the fishermen stated lost fishing time, used the words ‘affecting the economy,’ and basically stating that for a lot of fishermen this is their only income opportunity,” Andrew said.

Andrew is also the Marshall tribal administrator and says he’s applying for a grant to buy a new machine that would be owned and operated by the tribe. If awarded, the grant he’s considering would deliver in fiscal year 2018.

Maserculiq board member Lena Sergie says the corporation is trying to find ways to purchase a new ice machine but haven’t solidified anything so far.

The machine broke earlier this month, forcing fishermen to either stop fishing or travel 60 miles and back to the village of St. Mary's to get ice. 

Anna Rose MacArthur served as KYUK's News Director from 2015-2022.
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