Nina Kravinsky
News ReporterNina was a temporary news reporter at KYUK. She comes to Bethel from NPR, where she's a producer at Morning Edition. Prior to moving back to the East Coast to work at NPR, Nina was the assistant news director at a community radio station called WORT in Madison, WI. She's originally from the Washington, DC area.
Santa Claus ditched his sleigh in favor of one of the Alaska National Guard’s Black Hawk helicopters as part of the Guard’s “Operation Santa” events where they transport the holiday favorite to rural Alaska communities.
Six passengers were on board the flight from Goodnews Bay headed to Bethel. Napakiak residents with snowmachines helped with the rescue.
Statewide test results show 96% of Lower Kuskokwim School District students aren't at grade level in English; 97% aren't at grade level in math.
At least 100 people have used the Bethel Winter House since October.
Bethel's Yup'ik immersion elementary school is named after the now-retired teacher because she was instrumental in starting it.
Alaska State Troopers say that the deceased is most likely a male who lived at the residence, but they are waiting on a positive identification from the State Medical Examiner’s office in Anchorage.
This winter, mushers will earn points based on their finishing position in different races. The kennel with the most points will become the Delta Championship Season Champion.
The new project will lay 405 miles of fiber optic cable from Dillingham to Bethel and nine other communities in the area.
Lines formed at the polls in Bethel, U.S. Rep. Mary Peltola's hometown. Voters await results in that race and others as the state counts ranked-choice votes.
For the first time in its history, The Kuskokwim Corporation has announced a third shareholder payout this year.