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2016 Alexie Isaac Memorial Scholorship deadline is August 1st! - Apply Now!

Amount of Scholarship
Two $1,000/academic year

Annually for academic year.

Application Deadline: August 1st

Minimum Academic Requirements
Graduation from an accredited high school or successful completion of an accredited General Educational Development (GED) program and acceptance into a recognized post-secondary institution.

Scholarship Criteria
Candidate must be pursuing a degree or certified course of study and have completed at least one year of study in an accredited junior/community college, college, university or professional trade school. Graduate students are not eligible.

Candidates pursuing media studies, public relations, journalism, radio and/or television broadcasting, media technology and engineering or a related field such as marketing or business management as a major course of study are given priority. Applications from Candidates pursuing major studies in other fields, such as education, rural development and health care, may also be considered.

Candidates must be enrolled for a minimum of six credits per semester. Candidates must be residents of the KYUK-AM 640 service area. The location of their institution is immaterial. Candidates must demonstrate excellence in the following areas:
Academic Performance, Discipline, Attitude, and Attendance.

A copy of the most recent academic transcript must accompany the application.

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Application Information Sheet

Alexie Isaac’s broadcasting career at KYUK spanned almost three decades. During that time he directed news broadcasts and other programs from the KYUK television studio, videotaped countless hours of news footage, Yup’ik elders, Yup’ik dance performances and many other aspects of Yup’ik culture.

Alexie was an accomplished Yup’ik language translator and was often called upon to do translation work on KYUK radio programs including Yup’ik News and television productions. He worked on KYUK television programs, series and documentaries as photographer, editor, reporter, translator, producer and director.

Learn more about Alexie Isaac